Rentals October Update

Rentals October Update

Our Rental Department has some new Phase One arrivals.  If you’ve ever wanted to try out the highest resolution camera on earth, now is the perfect time.    We have the Phase One 100MP Black and White Achromatic as well as the IQ3 100, IQ3 50 and the full line of Phase One Schneider Blue line lenses for the XF camera available at Foto Care Rentals.

The IQ3 100MP Achromatic is designed as a complete achromatic system, built from the ground up using a new dedicated CMOS sensor produced without the Bayer color filter, allowing light to reach the sensor unobstructed. Without the filter, each and every pixel of the sensor captures significantly more light, ensuring absolute detail and luminance. The IQ3 100MP Achromatic can capture much more than the naked eye is able to see, as it is designed to capture a broader spectrum of light. With the option to also capture light outside the visible spectrum, creative possibilities for infrared applications are endless, making the IQ3 100MP Achromatic the most light-sensitive 101-megapixel digital system available. We tested it out and talked more about it here.

Below is our price list for all the Phase One items we have available for rental.  Remember, if you love your rental so much that you decide you want to purchase the same product, you will receive 50% of the rental cost off the price of your purchase.

Also, we plan on adding the new Trichromatic 100mp Digital Back to our Phase One Rental family soon.  Stay tuned.    

IQ Digital Backs in XF Mount
Achromatic  IQ3 100 B&W  Back (100MP)
 $     950.00
 $     2,850.00
IQ3 100 Back  (100MP)
 $     695.00
 $     2,085.00
IQ3 50  Back   (50MP)
 $     595.00
 $     1,785.00
Phase One XF camera
 $       95.00
 $        285.00
Phase One  Schneider Lenses
 28mm F4.5 AF LS  
 $       65.00
 $        195.00
35mm  F3.5  LS  Blue Line
 $     115.00
 $        345.00
45mm  F3.5 LS  Blue Line
 $       85.00
 $        255.00
55mm  F2.8 LS  Blue Line
 $       85.00
 $        255.00
80mm  F2.8 LS  Blue Line
 $       85.00
 $        255.00
110mm  F2.8 LS  Blue Line
 $       95.00
 $        285.00
120mm  F4.0 Macro LS  Blue Line
 $       95.00
 $        285.00
150mm  F3.5 LS  Blue Line
 $       95.00
 $        285.00
240mm  F4.5  LS  Blue Line
 $       95.00
 $        285.00
40-80mm  F4-5.6 Zoom  LS Blue Line
 $     150.00
 $        450.00

Please feel free to contact a Rental Consultant at (212) 741-2991 or for more information.
